1.1 The characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices
1.2 Software and Software Development
1.3 Exchanging Data
1.4 Data Structures & Types
1.5 Legal, Moral, Cultural, and Ethical Issues
2.1 Elements of Computational Thinking
2.2 Programming Techniques & Methods
2.3 Algorithms
The Programming Project (NEA)

The Purpose of The CPU

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The purpose of the CPU is to control both hardware and software to the user, provide an interface (hiding the complex systems), and to manage memory. To do this, an Architecture needs to be used to allow the CPU to understand how to process the instructions within the device.

FDE Cycle

The tasks that the CPU performs can be broken down into Fetch, Decode, and Execute. This is referred to as the Fetch Execute Cycle and allows your computer to function.

Imagine your CPU like your brain in the classroom:

  • You arrive and are given a list of tasks
  • You select (fetch) the first task
  • You work out (decode) what you are being asked to do
  • You get any data that the task needs
  • You perform (execute) the task
  • Then you move on to the next task
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The CPU in your computer can vary in size and power, but most work in the same way. Back in 1965, Gordon Moore published a paper predicting that processors would halve in size and double in processing power every two years – this is called Moore’s Law and remained accurate right up until the last few years. In fact, this exponential growth actually happened every 18 months for many years. This is why we can wear a watch that now has more processing power than the spacecraft used for the first moon landings!

Activity – Scribbl.it Notes

The Purpose of The CPU Components Scribbl.it Notes provide a structured way for you to revise topic areas in a visual way.

You don’t have to be an artist as it’s all been drawn out for you (or you can use this as inspiration to create your own!). Print the notes, then colour in areas of importance, add doodles and colour, then add more detail to the notes page being as creative as possible.