2022 Tasks
1 - Data Representation
2 - Data Transmission
3 - Hardware
4 - Software
5 - The Internet & Its Uses
6 - Automated and emerging technologies
7 - Algorithms
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Practice Questions (Tasks)

The questions below have been developed using the 2022 Programming tasks and past papers with similar questions. We don’t know what the real questions will be!

Question 1

Identify one variable you could have used for Task 2 and state its use.


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reportType / todayDate / todayMonth / todayYearThere are two main places where variables might be used in Task 2.

The first is asking the user which report that want to see, and the second is the trickier date comparrison for members with expired membership.
Marks are given as one for a meaningful identifier (variable name) and one for an explanation of its use.

Question 2

Describe the data structures you used in Task 1. Include the name, data type, use, and sample data for each.


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Question 3

Describe how you could validate the data entry for the input of the choice of volunteer job in Task 1.


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Question 4

Write an algorithm to show how your program carries out Task 3 using either pseudocode, programming statements or a flowchart. Assume Tasks 1 and 2 have already been completed.


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Question 5

Explain how your program offered a choice of areas only to volunteers. You should include how your code then outputs a list of any members working in the gift shop. Any programming statements must be fully explained.


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Question 6

Identify and give the data type and use of one array that you could have used for Task 1.


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Question 7

Describe two validation checks that could be used when inputtingthe member data for Task 2. For each validation check give one example of normal data and one example of erroneous data.


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Question 8

Write an algorithm for the part of Task 2 that outputs the name of the members who have not paid. You can assume that Task 1 is already completed.


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Question 9

Write an algorithm for the part of Task 2 that outputs the name of the members whose membership has expired. You can assume that Task 1 is already completed.


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Question 10

Explain how your program completed the output toconfirm details entered and stored this data once the $200 is paid.


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Question 11

Identify one constant you could have used for Task 1, give the value that would be assigned to it and its use.


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Question 12

Identify one variable and one array you could have used for Task 1.

Explain the use of each one.


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Question 13

Explain how you could change your program in Task 1 to allow a maximum of 10 volunteers to be entered into the program. Any programming statements must be fully explained.


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Question 14

Write an algorithm using pseudocode, programming statements, or a flowchart to show how your program completes these parts of Task 2:

  • Outputs a list of first and last names for:
    • Members who have chosen to be volunteers
    • Volunteers who want to work at the entrance gate
    • Members who have not yet paid


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Question 15

Explain how your program completes these parts of Task 3:

  • Adds an option to sponsor a wooden plank
  • Stores the name & short message in a suitable data structure
  • Validates the name and message

Any programming statements must be fully explained.


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Question 16

Identify one constant that you could have used for Task 3. Give the value that would be assigned to this constant. State the use of this constant.


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costOfSponsor / pierCost

200.00 / 200

Holds the price of sponsoring a plank on the pier
Anything sensible that indicates that the value wouldn’t change. In task 3, the value of $200 is given to the cost of sponsorship, this is an indicator that the value won’t change.1 mark for each (maximum 1 for identifier, 1 for value, and 1 for the use

Question 17

Describe the arrays that you have set up in Task 1 to record the data about the volunteers and other sponsors of the pier.


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Possible AnswersCommentsMarks
firstNames / surnames / Volunteers / placeToWorkAny sensible names that could be given to the arrays that hold the member data. These will be expected to be parallel 1D arrays, so if you have used a 2D array in your solution, you may want to consider what this would look like as separate arrays for this question.Four marks will be given for any of the following:

* Identifier / name of an array
* Description of the purpose of an array
* Length of an array used (or explaining why it is dynamic)
* Type of data that the array holds
* Explanation of the number of arrays used / parallel arrays
* Sample data in the array

Question 18

Explain how your program makes sure that the $200 has been paid before a sponsor’s message is saved into the system.


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This question is looking for the student to describe validation for the payment. The user must confirm that the payment has been paid before the program can move on and save the message into a text file.Three marks will be given for any of the following:

* Inputting the payment confirmation (y/n)
* Outputting a confirmation message for payment
* Outputting a suitable error message where payment is not made
* Using a condition controlled loop to repeat the process of entry until payment is made (WHILE or REPEAT UNTIL)
* OR declining the message if payment is not made

Question 19

Write an algorithm for Task 2. You do not need to include entering the data for members and you can assume that Task 1 has already been completed.

Use either pseudocode, programming statements, or a flowchart.


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This is likely to be one of the longest type of questions in the paper and will have a lot of space to write in. Don’t be worried about the amount of space given – this is to allow you to correct your answer or for flowcharts. Based on previous papers, the six marks would be given for any of the following:

* Outputting suitable titles for each report)
* Outputting a list of all volunteers
* using an appropriate loop
* Selecting each member who has chosen to work as a volunteer/ at the entrance gate / at the gift shop
* using an appropriate loop
* Calculate membership date
* Comparing membership date to current date
* Outputting a list of all expired members
* using an appropriate loop
* Inputting an option to choose a report
* Outputting the chosen report

Question 20

Explain how your program completed the part of Task 3 which allows the sponsor to add a message to a plank and stores any valid message. Include any programming statements that you have used and fully explain the purpose of each statement.


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This is a differently worded question where students are required to include programming statements instead of allowing them as part of the explanation. The wording “programming statements” means that pseudocode / flowcharts are not accepted here.

Task 3 includes validation of payment and then the word “store” suggests that this should be permenant and as such the data should be written to a text file.
Based on previous papers, the four marks would be given for any of the following:

* Creating a separate array for messages on planks
* Inputting message
* Using an appropriate length check for message
* Inputting payment confirmation
* Accepting / rejecting message based on payment
* IF accepted, opening text file in “append” mode
* Writing name & message data to text file
* Closing text file to save data
* Outputting appropriate confirmation message